Sorting through 1963 Topps
The 1963 Topps baseball card set with its large, bright, glossy photographs of the players, ranks among the best Topps sets of the 1960’s in terms of eye appeal. The smaller black & white photo inside the circle is an attractive addition to the card. The color of the 1963 Topps set is a refreshing reprieve from the dark, dank cards that Topps produced in the previous two years. Even the 1963 card backs, neatly arranged and printed in black with yellow-orange backgrounds are some of the most beautiful ever produced.

As beautiful as the 1963 Topps cards are to look at, the set still has some flaws. If I had to select one Topps set for the “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” award, it would be the 1963 Topps Baseball Card Set. I would give the 1963 Topps set an “A” grade for the design and appearance of the cards, but when it came to the production – the 1963 set would get a D+.
The1963 Topps can be a very frustrating set to try to build. The biggest production oddity with the 1963 Topps set is that the number of cards printed in the first three series, far outnumber the population of cards in Series 4 through 7. The 1963 Topps set is also unique among vintage baseball cards sets in that it has officially two “high numbered” series (the 6th and 7th ), starting with card #447.
From 1959 through 1973, it was very typical for the last series of cards (or the high numbered series) to be produced in lower numbers than the earlier series of cards. The last series of cards was issued as the season was nearing an end and interest in the cards was declining.
The real problem with the 1963 Topps set is not so much the scarcity of the High Number cards, but the abundance of the first 283 cards in the set. For some reason, Topps greatly overproduced the cards in Series 1 through 3 in 1963 - which are the cards numbered 1 to #283.
One little known fact about 1963 Topps Issue is that the cards from the 4th and 5th series are almost as scarce as the cards in the last two series. To verify this, I ran the numbers of the online inventory. Currently, has 9,341 cards from the 1963 Topps set posted online for sale. Of that inventory, 7381 of our cards (79%) are from the Series 1, 2 and 3. Only 21% (just 1,960 cards) of our 1963 Topps inventory is from the last four series. The number of cards that we have from each of these last four 1963 Topps series are roughly the same in each series. To further clarify, has about 500 in each of the 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th Series.
To put this into perspective, has an average of 27 of each of the cards numbered 1 to #264, but we have an average of only 7 of each card for numbers 264 through #576. This tells me that in 1963, Topps produced about four times as many cards for the first three series of cards!
The inventory is very typical of the population of the 1963 set in the hobby as a whole. Upon inspection, other sports cards marketplaces have roughly the same ratios of cards for each of the 1963 series of cards.
No other Topps set has such a lopsided ratio of low number to high numbered cards. This unbalance makes 1963 Topps a frustrating and somewhat awkward set for collectors to build.
The popular hobby prices guides show high dollar prices for cards from the 6th and 7th series of cards, but the book values for the first five series of cards are basically the same. Due to the fact that cards #284 to #446 (Series 4 & 5) have roughly the same population of the higher number cards, I feel that the real value of 1963 Topps 4th & 5th series cards is higher than the current prices listed in the guides.
The big question is: “Why did Topps produce so many more cards in the first three series of 1963, compared to the last four series of the set?”
By 1963, Topps had a dozen years experience in the manufacturing and marketing of baseball cards, but for some reason overestimated the market’s demand. Topps produced much more cards at the beginning of 1963 than they had in previous years. This increased production may have had something to do with the fact that Fleer also produced a set of cards that year. Topps had direct competition in the sports cards market for the first time in 8 years. Maybe Topps overreacted.
It is unclear to me whether all of the mass quantity of cards from the first three series of the set were distributed in 1963 or if some were sold at wholesale prices in later years. Either way, Topps did scale back the number of cards printed in series 4 & 5 and possibly even further reduced production for Series 6 & 7.

Many set collectors and team set collectors are unsettled by this large price differential and tend to get a bit frustrated when reaching for their wallets. They will often decide to build “friendlier” sets from other years.
Collectors do not seem to mind paying big bucks for stars like Koufax or Drysdale, but are much less likely do so for marginal players like Daryl Spencer or Larry Sherry. No other vintage set (with the exception of the 1952 Topps set) requires collectors to purchase such a large percentage of high number cards at those higher prices to complete the set.
Another disappointment is that there is not a 1963 Topps card of 1962 MVP and 1963 World Series champion Maury Wills – who signed an exclusive contract with Fleer. A lot of people like to collect cards of the World Series Champions and it is very disappointing one of the most exciting stars from the 1963 champs did not have a card. Topps did not seem to catch a break in 1963.
A personal gripe that I have about the 1963 Topps set is with the #200 Mickey Mantle card. The Mick was the most popular player in post war baseball. In 1963, he was thought to be a lock to break the Babe’s career HR record. So what do we collectors get from Topps? The answer: Yet another boring portrait card. You have got to be kidding me!
Topps used portrait shots of Mantle on all his cards from 1958 through 1963. These years were a real “dry spell” for collectors of Mantle cards. The 1960 & 1961 cards do have Mickey holding a bat, but they are not very interesting photos. At least Mickey’s 1963 Topps card is a “low number” card, so it is relatively affordable to collectors.
The most noticeable blunder of the 1963 Topps set is the Rookie Star Cards. Each Rookie Star Card contained tiny pictures of four player’s faces with a solid colored background. The Rookies Cards with 4 players were first introduced on a limited scale in 1962 as the last few cards of the set.
The idea was to get more players into the set, without increasing the number of cards. Topps was very eager to lock up as many images of the young players as possible in exclusive contracts so that Fleer could not get them for their set of cards either in 1963 or in the future.
The 1963 Topps Rookie Star Cards turned out to be a bad idea. Kids did not like them and would routinely pitch the cards. The feedback was so negative that Topps redesigned the Rookie Star Cards again in 1964, so that the rookie cards had pictures of only two players. The 4-player Rookie Star Cards would not rear their ugly head again until 1974.
What makes the 4 Player Rookie Cards short comings so glaring is that the most valuable card in the 1963 Topps set is the #573 Rookie Star Card with Pete Rose. Growing up in Cincinnati, Pete Rose was my boyhood hero. I love Pete (even with his faults), but his Rookie Card has to be the ugliest $1000 card in the hobby!
Even as unattractive as the Rose Rookie card is, it is still the corner stone of the 1963 set and highly sought after by collectors. If this card had full size image of Pete and better “eye appeal”, it would sell for several times its current price and completely dominate the value of the 1963 set - much like the Namath Rookie Card does with the 1965 football set.
If you find that statement questionable, then please just imagine Mantle’s 1952 Topps card with cropped head shots of Mickey and three other no name players. The same comment can be made for the Namath Rookie Card and the 1965 Topps Football Set.

In conclusion, 1963 is one of the most attractive of the Topps vintage sets. It is a bright and refreshing change from previous five Topps issues. The two high number series cards are more of a mental block to collectors, than a real problem. The 1963 Topps set is very collectable and there are still a large amount of high condition cards available in the market.
Dean Hanley
Owner of